2015 in review

happy 2016! we are getting busy back into work over the past two weeks after a long holiday. 2015 was, in a word, transformative. 2014 was a tough personal year for me, so 2015 came as a surprise. i am two weeks late to the '2015 best nine' game, but i thought i would share my highlights. sometimes it's hard for me to absorb all that has happened, but i am so very thankful for everything. mjinteriordesigncollage

  1. made the decision to freelance and left job in a large firm.
  2. started my own interior design business.
  3. my beautiful nephew august was born.
  4. travelled to d.c. for the cherry blossom festival with wonderful friends.
  5. finished my licensure exams and became ncidq certified.
  6. celebrated my husband josh's 30th birthday with a staycation.
  7. travelled to our home in montana with siblings.
  8. we bought our house!
  9. had the opportunity to work on so many amazing projects with the best clients.

also, my husband started his own architecture and development business!

how was your year?

follow along this year on instagram.

we bought a house!

we are homeowners officially! after five years here, my husband, josh and i finally bought the house we have been living in. this house has been very precious to me for my whole life, as it was my beloved grandparent's home and the home my father grew up in. i grew up playing here in the creek and had many holidays around the table together with family. now, this house has become equally important to my husband, and he has fallen for it (the dogs also!) it is a special place.


{a view of the house in the spring}

i am so excited to share more here on the blog as we dream, plan, and renovate the property. as a designer and architect, we can't help but have big plans on paper already. we look forward to sharing the process and making many (more) years of memories here. it seems like a fitting week to close and be thankful for all that we've been given!

follow along on instagram and my renovation pinterest board, if you'd like.

xoxo madeline

things of late

hi friends... i am going to act like i haven't neglected you all for the past month and a half...and just pick up where i left off.  how does that sound?  life has gotten busy - i am studying for my professional exams, working through taking them, and traveling for work. between these things, it seems there is not much time left in a day.

today we went for a long hike and are setting up for a fire tonight.  please excuse how old some of these photos are....i'm still catching my breath from christmas, people. let's recap since december....obviously besides our nyc trip and work.

december recap | madeline made

{christmas gifts, christmas picture, our christmas card, new/old polaroid toy}

january recap | madeline made

{happy new year, juice cleanse, flying home from nyc, open window weather}

february recap | madeline made

{outdoor movies, flowers from my valentines, leed exam studies, valentine's date}

nyc pics coming this week.  also...we can't stop watching this.

xoxo madeline